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“The Role of Actigraphy in the Study of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms”, Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Roger Cole, Cathy Alessi, Mark Chambers, William Moorcroft, Charles P. Pollak. SLEEP, Vol.26, No.3, 2003. 342-392.

“Practice Parameters for the Role of Actigraphy in the Study of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: An Update for 2002”, American Academy of Sleep Medicine Practice Parameters, M Littner, CA Kushida, W McDowell Anderson, D Bailey, RB Berry, DG Davila, M Hirshkowitz, S Kapen, M Kramer, D Loube, M Wise, SF Johnson.  SLEEP, Vol.26, No.3, 2003.

“Actigraph Placement and Sleep Estimation in Children”, E Juulia Paavonen, Mika Fjallberg, Maija-Riikka Steenari, Eeva T. Aronen.  SLEEP, Vol.25, No.2, 2002, 235-237.

“The role of actigraphy in sleep medicine”, Avi Sadeh, Christine Acebo.  SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS, Vol.6, No.2, 2002, 113-124.

“Actigraphic assessment of sleep-wake rhythm during the first 6 months of life”, B. Gnidovec, D. Neubauer, J. Zidar.  CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 113 (2002) 1815-1821.

“Actigraph Analysis of Diurnal Motor Fluctuations during Dopamine Agonist Therapy”, Soichi Katayama. EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY, 2001;46(suppl 1):11-17.

“Effects of Sleep Loss on Waking Actigraphy”, Timothy Roehrs, Lauren Turner, Thomas Roth.  SLEEP, Vol. 23, No. 6, 2000.

“Sleep estimation from wrist movement quantified by different actigraphic modalities”, Girardin Jean-Louis, Daniel F. Kripke, William J. Mason, Jeffrey A. Elliott, Shawn D. Youngstedt.  JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS 105 (2001), 185-191.

“The Statistical Distribution of Wrist Movements during Sleep”, Victor Gimeno, Teresa Sagales, Luchi Miguel, Mercedes Ballarin.  NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY 1998;38:108-112.

“Evaluation of human activities and sleep-wake identification using wrist actigraphy”, Harumi Shinkoda, Kazuya Matsumoto, Jouji Hamasaki, Yoo Jin Seo, Young Man Park, Kwang Pak Park.  JAPANESE SOCIETY OF SLEEP RESEARCH, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, pp 157-159.

“A Basic Study on the use of a wrist actigraph for identifying human various activities and sleep/wakefulness”, Harumi Shinkoda, Young Man Park, Kazuya Matsumoto.  J. SCIENCE OF LABOUR, 1998, Vol.74, No.7.

“Direct Comparison of Two Widely Used Activity Recorders”, CP Pollak, PE Stokes, DR Wagner.  SLEEP, Vol.21, No.2, 1998. 207-212.

“Actigraphic motor asymmetries during sleep”, by Violani C, Testa P, Casagrande M.  SLEEP 1998;21(5):472-6. (Abstract on file).

“Sensitivity and Reproducibility Of the Dual-Mode Actigraph Under Controlled Levels of Activity Intensity”, NK Leidy, RD Abbott, KM Fedenko.  NURSING RESEARCH, Vol. 46, No. 1, Jan/Feb 1997. pp 5-11.

[Actigraphy: methodological limits for evaluation of sleep stages and sleep structure of healthy probands], Conradt R, Brandenburg U, Ploch T, Peter JH.  PNEUMOLOGIE 1997; 51 Suppl 3():721-4.

“Activity Recorders Are Not All Alike: Comparison of the Ambulatory Monitoring & Gaehwiler Instruments”, ABSTRACT, CP Pollak, PE Stokes, DR Wagner, T Ford, S Slawek.  SLEEP RESEARCH 26, 1997, 684.

“The actigraph data analysis software: I. A novel approach to scoring and interpreting sleep-wake activity.” G. Jean-Louis, H. Von Gizycki, F. Zizi, A. Spielman, P. Hauri, H. Taub.  (Abstract) PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS 1997;85(1):207-16.

“Analysis of Actigraphic records – Searching for an optimal method”, Orna Tzischinsky, Iris Haimov, Peretz Lavie.  APSS Meeting Abstract, Jan. 1996.

“Practice Parameters for the Use of Actigraphy in the Clinical Assessment of Sleep Disorders”, An American Sleep Disorders Association Report, SLEEP, 18(4):285-287.


“Activity-Based Sleep-Wake Identification: An Empirical Test of Methodological Issues”, A Sadeh, KM Sharkey, MA Carskadon.  SLEEP, Vol.17, No.3, 1994. pp 201-207.

“Computerized Assessment of Sleep Time by Wrist Actigraph”, Jacob Zomer, Ira Pollack, Orna Tzischinsky, Rachel Epstein, Jason Alster and Peretz Lavie.  Sleep Lab, Faculty of Medicine, Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel.

“Actigraphically based automatic bedtime sleep-wake scoring: Validity and clinical applications”, A. Sadeh, J. Alster, D. Urbach, P. Lavie.  JOURNAL OF AMBULATORY MONITORING, 1989, Vol.2, No.3, 209-216.


“Actigraphy and Parental Ratings of Sleep in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)”, Penny Corkum, Rosemary Tannock, Harvey Moldofsky, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Tom Humphries.  SLEEP, Vol.24, No.3, 2001.

“Does Actigraphy Differentiate ADHD Subtypes in a Clinical Research Setting?”, Andrew V. Dane, M.A. Russell, J. Schachar, Rosemary Tannock, J.AM.ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 39:6, June 2000, 752-760.

“Instability of Sleep Patterns in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”, Reut Gruber, Avi Sadeh and Amiram Raviv, Tel Aviv University, Israel.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 39:4, April 2000, 495-501.

“Analog Classroom Assessment of Adderall in Children With ADHD”, James M. Swanson, Sharon Wigal, Laurence L. Greenhill, Ronald Browne, Bruce Waslik, Marc Lerner, Lillie Williams, Dan Flynn, Dave Agler, Kenton Crowley, Erick Fineberg, Martin Baren, and Dennis P,. Cantwell.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 37:5, May 1998, 519-526.

“Sleep and Neurobehavioral Functioning in Israeli School-Age Children: Implications for ADHD”, Avi Sadeh, Dept. of Psychology, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

“Sleep Disturbances in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”, Penny Corkum, Rosemary Tannock, and Harvey Moldofsky.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC.  PSYCHIATRY, 37:6, June 1998, 637-646.

“Sleep quality in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: An Actigraphic study”, Yaron Dagan, Shulamit Zeevi-Luria, Yonatan Sever, Dana Hallis, Iftah Yovel, Avi Sadeh and Eran Dolev.  PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES (1997), 51, 383-386.

“Naturalistic Study of Actigraphic-Assessed Sleep in Children with ADHD”, Carol A. Glod, Martin H. Teicher, Carl M. Anderson, Ann Polcari, Cynthia McGreenery, Yutaka Ito, ABSTRACT, March 26, 1997.

“Practice Parameters for the Assessment and Treatment of Children, Adolescents, and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 36:10 Supplement, October 1997.

“Objective Measurement of Hyperactivity and Attentional Problems in ADHD”, Martin H. Teicher, Yutaka Ito, Carol A. Glod, and Natacha I. Barber, J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 35:3, March 1996, 334-342.

“Actigraphy and Motion Analysis: New Tools for Psychiatry”, Martin H. Teicher, HARVARD REV. PSYCHIATRY 1995;3:18-35.

“Application of Actigraphy in the Clinical Setting: Use in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”, Lucinda G. Miller, and Irvin A. Kraft, PHARMACOTHERAPY 1994; 14(2):219-223.

“Assessment of Body Activity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered (ADHD) Children by Actigraphy: A Case Series”, ABSTRACT, L. Miller, S. West, and M. Smolensky, Hermann Center for Chronobiology & Chronotherapeutics, Houston, TX. VIII-6.

“Modification of Activity Level Through Biofeedback and Operant Conditioning”, Jerome L. Schulman, Theodore M. Stevens, Bernard G. Suran, Mary Jo Kupst, and Michael J. Naughton.  JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS, 1978, II, 145-152.

“Dosing Schedule, Sleep, and Stimulant Side Effects”, Mark A. Stein, T. O”Brien, E. Schnitzler, T. Blondis, and E. Szumowski, Univ. of Chicago Hospitals, Chicago, IL.



ADOLESCENTS: (See also ADHD, Pediatrics, Sleep, Autism)

“Evidence for the validity of a sleep habits survey for adolescents”, Abstract, AR Wolfson, MA Carskadon, C Acebo, R Seifer, G Fallone, SE Labyak, JL Martin.  SLEEP 2003; 26(2):213-6.

“Comparing estimates of adolescent sleep and wake from two activity monitoring systems”, Abstr., MK LeBourgeois, C Acebo, R Seifer, MA Carskadon.  SLEEP, Vol.25, 375.R, Suppl. 2002, A273-4.

“Is Obesity Associated With Poor Sleep Quality in Adolescents?”, Neeraj K. Gupta, William H. Mueller, Wenyaw Chan, Janet C. Meininger. AMER. JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 14:762-768 (2002).

“Adolescent Sleep Patterns, Circadian Timing, and Sleepiness at a Transition to Early School Days”, MA Carskadon, AR Wolfson, C Acebo, O Tzischinsky, R Seifer.  SLEEP, Vol. 21, No. 8, 1998.



“A Follow-Up Study of Actigraphic Measures in Home-Residing Alzheimer’s Disease Patients”, JA Yesavage, L Friedman, HC Kraemer, A Noda, D Wicks, DL Bliwise, J Sheikh, J Tinklenberg, V Zarcone.  J GERIATR PSYCHIATRY NEUROL 1998;11:7-10.

“Phototherapy for Patients with Alzheimer Disease with Disturbed Sleep Patterns: Results of a Community-Based Pilot Study”, Christopher C. Colenda, Wayne Cohen, W. Vaughn McCall, Peter B. Rosenquist.  ALZHEIMER DISEASE AND ASSOCIATED DISORDERS, Vol. 11, No.3, 1997, pp.175-178.

“Triazolam In Alzheimer’s Disease: Pilot Study on Sleep and Memory Effects”, JR McCarten, C Kovera, MK Maddox, JP Cleary.  PHARMACOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY 7 BEHAVIOR, Vol. 52, No. 2, 447-452. 1995.

“Circadian Locomotor Activity Rhythms in Alzheimer’s Disease”, A Satlin, MH Teicher, HR Lieberman, RJ Baldessarini, L Volicer, Y Rheaume.  NEUROPHYSHOPHARMACOLOGY 1991, Vol. 5, No. 2.

“Sleep-wake cycles in multi-infarct dementia and dementia of the Alzheimer type”, J Aharon-Peretz, A Masiah, T Pillar, R Epstein, O Tzischinsky, P Lavie.  NEUROLOGY 1991;41:1616-1619.


“Actigraphic Monitoring of Benzodiazepine Sedation in Anesthesia”, by A. Weinbrum, E. Geller, J. Zomer, P. Lavie.  Poster. 


“Circadian distribution of rest/activity in narcoleptic and control dogs: assessment with ambulatory activity monitoring”, S. Nishino, M. Tafti, R. Sampathkumaran, W.C. Dement, E. Mignot.  J. SLEEP RES. (1997) 6, 120-127.

“Ambulatory Rest-Activity Monitoring in Narcoleptic and Control Dogs:, S Nishino, R Sampathkumaran, M Tafti, WC Dement, E Mignot.  ABSTR. Sleep Research 24, 1995, No. 309.


“Frequency Analysis of Consecutive Epochs (FACE) – An Analytic Technique for Describing Continuity of Sleep”, D.M. Rapoport, J.A. Walsleben, S.A. Rothenberg, R. Zozula, R.G. Norman.  ABSTR. Sleep Research 24, 1995, No. 491.

“Sleep quality in children with asthma treated with theophyllineor cromolyn sodium”, A. Avital, D.G. Steljes, H. Pasterkamp, M. Kryger, I. Sanchez, V. Chernick.  J PEDIATR. 1991;119:979-84.


“Chronobiological Measurements in Astronauts”, Putcha L, DeKerlegand D, Nimumagudda R, Stewart K.T., KripkeDF.  December 1996.


“Child and Maternal Factors Associated With Sleeplessness in Children With Autism”, Luci Wiggs, Gregory Stores. (Abstract) 16th CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, Reykjavik, June 3-7, 2002.

“Sleep in Children With Autism and Asperger Syndrome”, Amanda Richdale, CLINICS IN DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE No. 155, 2001.  pp.181-191.

“Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents With Autistic Spectrum Disorders”(Abst.), L. Wiggs and G. Stores, J. SLEEP RES. (2000) 9, Supplement 1, p. 209, No. 417.

“Actigraphic Data of Children and Adolescents With Autistic Spectrum Disorders” (Abstr.), L. Wiggs and G. Stores, J. SLEEP RES. (2000) 9, Supplement 1, p.209, No.418.

“Abnormal sleep patterns associated with autism – A brief review of research findings, assessment methods and treatment strategies”, Gregory Stores and Luci Wiggs, INT’L J. RES. & PRACTICE, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1998. pp.157-169.



“Phase-Synchronization of Daily Motor Activities Can Reveal Differential Circadian Patterns”, Z Dancshazy, A Der, GI Groma, Z Janka, T Jardanhazy, A Makai, I Szentistvanyi, A Vasadi.  CHRONOBIOLOGY INT’L, Vol.21, No.2, pp.309-314,2004.


“Comparison of arbitrary definitions of circadian time periods with those determined by wrist actigraphy in analysis of ABPM data”, MAH Eissa, RJ Yetman, T Poffenbarger, RJ Portman.  JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION (1999) 13: 449-453.

“Monitoring activity and blood pressure”, Lawrence F. Van Egeren, J HYPERTENSION, 1991, 9 (Suppl 8):525-527.

“Effects of Behavioral Rhythms on Blood Pressure Rhythms”, Lawrence F. Van Egeren.

“Computer-Based Monitoring of Physical Activity”, Lawrence F. Van Egeren, CLINICAL EVALUATION 7 PHYSIOL. MONITORING. Raven Press. 1988.

“Blood Pressure Reactivity to Mental and Emotional Stress” (Cardiovascular Reactivity to Everyday Events”, LF Van Egeren, MD Gellman.  6, pp. 135-150.


“Actigraphy as Measure of Sleep in Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) and in Their Physicians. N Kubiliun, T Noel, W Gruen, JR Wingard, P Mehta.  ABSTR. AMER. SOC. HEMATOLOGY, 1998.





“Circadian function in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer”, RD Levin, MA Daehler, JF Grutsch, J Quiton, CG Lis, C Peterson, D Gupta, K Watson, D Layer, S Huff-Adams, B Desai, P Sharma, M Wallam, M Delioukina, P Ball, M Bryant, M Ashford, D Copeland, M Ohmori, PA Wood and WJM Hrushesky.  BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER (2005) 93, 1202-1208.

“Elevated Serum Cytokines Correlated with Altered Behavior, Serum Cortisol Rhythm, and Dampened 24-Hour Rest-Activity Patterns in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer”, T Rich, PF Innominato, J Boerner, MC Mormont, S Iacobelli, B Baron, C Jasmin, F Levi.  CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, Vol.11, pp.1757-1764, Mar. 1, 2005.

“Objectively Measuring Fatigue in Cancer Patients by Measuring Circadian Sleep-Activity Patterns”, William Hrushesky.  Abstract, INT’L CONFERENCE CANCER AND RHYTHM, Graz, Austria.  Oct.16, 2004.

“Family Caregivers’ Sleep Loss and Depression Over Time”, Patricia A. Carter.  CANCER NURSING, Vol.26, No.4, 2003, pp 253-259.

“Sleep and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients”, Barry V. Fortner, Edward J. Stepanski, Stephanie C. Wang, Sarah Kasprowicz, H. Heith Durrence.  J. PAIN SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT, Vol.24, No.5, November 2002, pp 471-480.

“Feasibility of a Sleep Intervention During Adjuvant Breast Cancer Chemotherapy”, Ann M. Berger, Susanna VonEssen, Brett R. Kuhn, Barbara F. Piper, Lynne Farr, Sangeeta Agrawal, James C. Lynch, Patti Higginbotham.  ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUM, Vol. 29, No. 10, 2002, pp 1431-1441.

“Circadian chronotherapy for human cancers”, Francis Levi.  THE LANCET Oncology, Vol.2, May 2001, Chronotherapy, pp 307-315.

“Marked 24-h Rest/Activity Rhythms Are Associated with Better Quality of Life, Better Response, and Longer Survival in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer and Good Performance Status”, Marie-Christine Mormont, James Waterhouse, Pascal Bleuzen, Sylvie Giacchetti, Alain Jami, Andre Bogdan, Joseph Lellouch, Jean-Louis Misset, Yvan Touitou, and Francis Levi.  CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, Vol.6, August 2000, pp 3038-3045.

“The Influence of Daytime Inactivity and Nighttime Restlessness on Cancer-Related Fatigue”, AM Berger, L Farr, ONF – Vol. 26, No.10, 1999. 1663-1671.

“Pain, Fatigue, and Sleep Disturbances in Oncology Outpatients Receiving Radiation Therapy for Bone Metastasis: A Pilot Study”,  C. Miaskowski, Kathryn A. Lee, UCSF, San Francisco, California.  J PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT 1999;17:320-332.

“Patterns of Fatigue and Activity and Rest During Adjuvant Breast Cancer Chemotherapy”, Ann M. Berger, ONF – Vol. 25, No. 1, 1998. 51-62.

“Actigraphy as Measure of Sleep in Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) and in their physicians”, N. Kubiliun, T. Noel, W. Gruen, JR Wingard, P. Mehta, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL and AMI, ABSTRACT, AMER.SOC.HEMATOLOGY, Annual Mtg., Dec.4-8, 1998.

“Activity Circadian Rhythm as an Independent Prognostic Factor of Survival in Patients (PTS) with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (MCC), M.C. Mormont, S. Giacchetti, J. Waterhouse, J. Lellouch, J.L. Misset & F. Levi.  ABST. No. 1032, 1998.

“Multicenter Evaluation of Circadian System Function in Cancer Patients”, C.Mormont, F.Levi, C.Focan.  E.O.R.T.C. Chronotherapy Study Group Gen.Mtg. Rome, Italy, Oct.9, 1998.

“Wrist Actigraphy as a Measure of Fatigue”, GR Morrow, P Bushunow, Univ. of Rochester Cancer Center.  Abstr. 1998.

“Etude des rythmes circadiens d’activite par actometrie: Resultats preliminaires chez 30 patients atteints de cancer colorectal metastase”, M.C.Mormont, J.DePrins, F.Levi.  PATH BIOL. 1996, 44,No.3,165-171.

“Rest-Activity Circadian Rhythm, An Objective Measure for Performance Status (PS) and a Strong Indicator for Quality of Life (QL)”, M.C.Mormont, F.Levi, P.Depres-Brummer, S.Giachetti, G.Gruia, P.Bleuzen, C.Jasmin, JL Misset.  PROCEEDINGS OF ASCO Vol.15, March 1996. Abstr.No.1633.

“Activity/rest patterns and perceived fatigue and sleep quality during the first week of intravenous chemotherapy for early stage breast cancer (Meeting Abstract), Ann M. Berger.  ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUM 1995;22(2):361.

“Non-invasive estimation of cancer patients’ circadian system with wrist actigraphy”, M.C.Mormont, G.Metzger, R.Zidani, G.Gruia, J.L.Misset, F.Levi.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMER.ASSN. CANCER RESEARCH, Vol.36, March 1995. Abstr.No.1263.

“Assessment of Circadian Activity Rhythms by Wrist Actigraphy in Patients With Colorectal Cancer”, MC Mormont, J DePrins, F Levi, BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH, Vol.6, No. 4, 1995, Abstr. No. 167.

“Circadian System Alterations During Cancer Processes”, MC Mormont, F Levi, BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH, Vol.6, No.4, 1995, Abstr. No.168.

“Prognostic value of circadian rhythm assessment for survival of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer”, MC Mormont, P Bleuzen, J Lellouch, JL Misset, F Levi.  ASCO Abstr.No. 956.

“Implications of Biological Rhythms for Toxicology”, F. Levi, G. Metzger, P.Depres-Brummer.  DRUG INFORMATION JOURNAL, Vol. 28, 195-202, 1994.



“Prehospital Correlates of Sleep in Patients Hospitalized with Cardiac Disease”, Redeker, Nancy S., Tamburri Linda, Howland Carol L., Rutgers Univ. Newark, NJ.  RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH, 1998,21,27-37.


“Can chronotherapy reduce the cost of health care? – Timing may be everything”, HEALTHCARE DEMAND MANAGEMENT, December 1996. 182-185.


“Clinical Analyses of Sighted Patients with Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Syndrome: A Study of 57 Consecutively Diagnosed Cases”, T Hayakawa, M Uchiyama, Y Kamei, K Shibui, H Tagaya, T Asada, M Okawa, J Urata, K Takahashi.  SLEEP, Vol.28, No.8, pp.945-952, 2005.

“Age-Related Changes of Circadian Rhythms and Sleep-Wake Cycles”, In-Young Yoon, Daniel F. Kripke, Jeffrey A. Elliott, Shawn D. Youngstedt, Katharine M. Rex, Richard L. Hauger.  JAGS 51:1085-1091, 2003.

“Right- and Left-Brain Hemisphere, Rhythm in Reaction Time to Light Signals is Task-Load-Dependent: Age, Gender, and Handgrip Strength Rhythm Comparisons”, Alain Reinberg, Alena Bicakova-Rocher, Mohamed Mechkouri, Israel Ashkenazi.  CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol.19, No.6, 2002. 1087-1106.

“Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders: Toward A More Precise Definition and Diagnosis”, Yaron Dagan & Michal Eisenstein.  CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL,16(2), 213-222 (1999).

“Comparison of arbitrary definitions of circadian time periods with those determined by wrist actigraphy in analysis of ABPM data”, MAH Eissa, RJ Yetman, T Poffenbarger, RJ Portman.  J HUMAN HYPERTENSION (1999) 13: 449-453.

“An Approach to Studying Circadian Rhythms of Adolescent Humans”, Mary A. Carskadon, Christine Acebo, Gary S. Richardson, Barbara A. Tate, Ronald Seifer.  JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS, Vol.12, No.3, June 1997 pp 278-289.

“Human circadian pacemaker is sensitive to light throughout subjective day without evidence of transients”, Megan E. Jewett, David W. Rimmer, Jeanne F. Duffy, Elizabeth B. Klerman, Richard E. Kronauer, and Charles A. Czeisler.  AM. J. PHYSIOL. 273 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 42): R1800-R1809, 1997.

“High prevalence of personality disorders among circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD) Patients”, Y Dagan, H Sela, H Omer, D Hallis, R Dar.  J PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH, Vol. 41, No.4, 1996, pp 357-363.

“Evolution of Circadian Clock – Adult Illumination Exposures and Some Correlations with Symptoms”, D.F. Kripke, S.Juarez, R.J. Cole, S. Ancoli-Israel, P.J. Hauri, J.A. Wisbey, M.R. Klauber, W.J. Mason & W. Gruen.  5TH SAPPORO SYMPOSIUM ON BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM, Aug.25-28, 1993.

“Altered Sleep Quality Vs. Disrupted 24-Hr Sleep-Wake Cycle”, V.Thomas, W.Lundeen, S.Dilsaver, A.Korzsun & M.Smolensly.  INTL.SOC.CHRONOBIOLOGY MTG., QUEBEC CITY, July 11-15, 1993.

“Individual, Phase, and Weekly Variations in Daily Cycles of Wrist Activity in Freeliving Humans”, Sue Binkley.  PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR, Vol.53, 205-207. 1993.

“Chronophysiology and Ambulatory Monitoring Instrumentation”, William Gruen, AMI. CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, VOL. 7,No.2, 89-91, 1990.

“Actigraphy: A Means of Assessing Circadian Patterns in Human Activity”, Arthur C. Brown, Michael H. Smolensky, Gilbert E. D’Alonzo & Daniel P. Redman.  CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 7, No. 2, 125-133, 1990.

“Circadian Rhythms of Activity in Healthy Young and Elderly Humans”, Harris R. Lieberman, Judith J. Wurtman & Martin H. Teicher.  NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, Vol. 10, 259-265. 1989.

DEMENTIA (See Actillume)



“Construct Validation of Actigraphic Sleep Measures in Hospitalized Depressed Patients”, TG Coffield, WW Tryon.  BEHAVIORAL SLEEP MEDICINE, 2(1), 24-40. 2004.

“Aktivität und Depression”, (in German), Matthias R. Lemke, Brigitt Mieth, Sebastian Pleuse, Carsten Späth.  PSYCHIAT PRAX 2001;28:Originalarbeit pp.219-225.

“Actigraphy Can Measure Antidepressant-Induced Daytime Sedation in Healthy Volunteers”, N. Stanley and I. Hindmarch.  HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, Vol. 12, 437-443 (1997).

“Locomotor Activity in Depressed Children and Adolescents: I. Circadian Dysregulation”, MH Teicher, CA Glod, D Harper, E Magnus, C Brasher, F Wren, K Pahlavan.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 1993, 32,4:760-769.

“Quantitative Assessment of Psychomotor Activity in Patients With Neuroleptic-Induced Akathisia”, G Gardos, MH Teicher, JF Lipinski, JD Matthews, L Morrison, C Conley, JO Cole.  PROG. NEURO PSYCHOPHARMACOL. 7 BIOL. PSYCHIAT. 1992, Vol. 16, 27-37.

“Severe Daytime Somnolence in Patients Treated With an MAOI”, MH Teicher, BM Cohen, RJ Baldessarini, & JO Cole.  AM J PSYCHIATRY 145:12, Dec. 1988.1552-6.



“Actigraphy assessment of sleep disturbance in patients with atopic dermatitis: An objective life quality measure”, Bruce G. Bender, Susan B. Leung, Donald Y.M. Leung.  J. ALLERGY CLIN. IMMUNOLOGY, 2003;111:598-602.

DRIVERS: (See Also PVT-192)

“Truck Drivers Sleep-Wake Time Arrangements”, CRC Moreno, L Matuzaki, F Carvalho, R Alves, I Pasqua, G Lorenzi-Filho.  BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH, 2003, Vol.34, No.2, pp.137-143.

“Effects of Sleep Schedules on Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Performance – Part I”, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,  FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION. Sept. 2000.

“Actigraphic Studies in High Risk Drivers”, Mgardia de Leon Alverez, JM Lopez Agreda. Translated from REVISTA DE NEUROFISIOLOGIA CLINICA, Vol.III/1-2, 1990.



“Effects of Cocaine Abstinence on Human Motor Activity”, J.L. Jewell, R. Stauffer, B. Ross, R. Nelson, and D.A. Gorelick.  NIH/NIDA Abstract, 97.



“Actigraphic assessment of the preoperative hypnotic effects of brotizolam and zopiclone”, R. Kawahara, S. Nishimura, Y. Inagaki, N. Taenaka, H. Kawahara.  ACTA ANAESTH. BELG., 2002, 53, 27-31.

“Sleep quality in children with asthma treated with theophylline or cromolyn sodium”, A Avital, DG Steljes, H Pasterkamp, M Kryger, I Sanchez, & V Chernick.  J. PEDIATR. 1991;119:979-84.

“Wrist Actigraphic Measurements in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis”, P Lavie, M Lorber, O Tzischinsky, R Epstein, Y Sharf.  DRUG INVESTIGATION 2 (Suppl. 3); 15-21, 1990.

“The Effects of 7.5 Mg Midazolam Vs. Placebo on Sleep Disturbances Associated With Westward and Eastward Flights”, P Lavie & W Gruen.

“Actigraphic Monitoring of Benzodiazepine Sedation in Anesthesia”, A Weinbrum, E Geller, J Zomer, P Lavie.



“Nocturnal Eating Disorders – Sleep Disorders or Eating Disorders?”, O. Tzischinsky, Y. Latzer, R. Epstein. (Abstract) 16th CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, Reykjavik, June 3-7, 2002.

“Naturalistic Sleep Monitoring in Women Suffering from Bulimia Nervosa”, Yael Latzer, Orna Tzischinsky, Rachel Epstein, Ehud Klein, Peretz Lavie.  INT. J. EAT. DISORD. 26: 315-321, 1999.



“A Basic Study on the use of a wrist Actigraph for identifying human various activities and sleep/wakefulness”, H Shinkoda, YM Park, K Matsumoto.  J. SCIENCE OF LABOUR, Vol. 74, No. 7, 255-265. 1998.

“Actigraphic Study of Sleep-Wake on a Himalayan Expedition”, M Garcia de Leon, JM Lopez Agreda, T Kazlausky.  ABSTR.

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“Taking fatigue seriously: I. Variations in fatigue sampled repeatedly in healthy controls”, J.E. Dimsdale, S. Ancoli-Israel, T.F. Elsmore, W. Gruen.  J. MED. ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, Vol.27, No.5, Sept./Oct.2003, 218-222.

“Periodic fatigue symptoms due to desynchronization in a patient with non-24-h sleep-wake syndrome”, K Shibui, M Uchiyama, H Iwama, S Ozaki, K Takahashi, M Okawa.  PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES (1998), 52, 477-481.



“Use of actigraphy for monitoring sleep and activity levels in patients with fibromyalgia and depression”, A Korszun, EA Young, NC Engleberg, CB Brucksch, JF Greden, LA Crofford.  J PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH 52 (2002) 439-443.

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“Environmental Complexity: Information for Human Environment Well-Being”, Alice Ware Davidson, Yaneer Bar-Yam.  Iccs 2000. 

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“A Follow-Up Study of Actigraphic Measures In Home-Residing Alzheimer’s Disease Patients”, Jerome A. Yesavage, Leah Friedman, Helena C. Kraemer, Art Noda, Deryl Wicks, Donald L. Bliwise, Javaid Sheikh, Jared Tinklenberg & Vincent Zarcone.  J. GERIATR.PSYCHIATRY NEUROL.1998;11:7-10.

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“Sleep Disorders and Melatonin Rhythms in elderly people”, I. Haimov, M. Laudon, N. Zisapel, M. Souroujon, D. Jof, A. Shlitner, P. Herer, O. Tzischinsky, P. Lavie. Haifa and Tel-Aviv, Israel.  BR.MED.J., July 16,1994, Vo. 309, p.167.

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“Motor Activity of Community Elders & Their Caregivers”, Charles P. Pollak, Tina Ford, Peter J. McGuire, Sima Vaisman, Steven Zendell, NY Hosp./Cornell Med. Ctr., White Plains, NY.  Study supported by NIA AG11382.

“Sleep quality and diagnosis in Nursing Home Patients”, Denise Williams Jones, Sonia Ancoli-Israel, Maria Andujo Hanger, Lorraine Almendarez & Jay Goldberg, UCSD, CA.

SLEEP RESEARCH 21, 1992, Abstr. 89.

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“Sleep-wake cycles in multi-infarct dementia and dementia of the Alzheimer type”, J.Aharon-Peretz, A.Masiah, T.Pillar, R.Epstein, O.Tzischinsky & P.Lavie.  NEUROLOGY 1991;41:1616-1619.



“Influence of Sleep and Activity Patterns on Fatigue in Women With HIV/AIDS”, KA Lee, CJ Portillo, H Miramontes.  J. ASSOC. NURSES IN AIDS CARE, Vol.12, Supp., 2001, 23-31.



“Circadian Time-Qualified Tolerance Intervals for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in the Diagnosis of Hypertension”.  RC Hermida, JR Fernandez, DE Ayala, A Mojon, I Alonzo, C Calvo.  CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 147-160, 2004.



“The Role of Pre-sleep Cognitive Activity and Pre-sleep Anxiety in Distorted Perception of Sleep in Insomnia”, Nicole K.Y. Tang, Allison G. Harvey, Dept. Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, U.K. (Poster) 2002.

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“Melatonin: marvel or marker?”, DF Kripke, JA Elliott, SD Youngstedt, JS Smith.  ANN MED 1998;30:81-87.

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“Circadian Phases of Illumination and Melatonin are associated”, SD Youngstedt, DF Kripke, JA Elliott, ABSTR. Sleep Research, 760.


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“Retaining Home-Base Sleep Hours to Prevent Jet Lag in Connection With a Westward Flight Across Nine Time Zones”, A Lowden, T Akerstedt.  CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 15(4), 365-376 (1998).



“Evening Light Exposure: Implications for Sleep and Depression”, Geralyn M. Wallace-Guy, Daniel F. Kripke, Girardin Jean-Louis, Robert D. Langer, Jeffrey A. Elliott, Arja Tuunainen.  JAGS, 50: 738-739, 2002.

“Human circadian phase in 12:12 h, 200: <8 lux and 1000: <8 lux light-dark cycles, without scheduled sleep or activity”, Benita Middleton, Barbara M. Stone, Josephine Arendt.  NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 329 (2002) 41-44.

“Effects of nocturnal bright light on saliva melatonin, core body temperature and sleep propensity rhythms in human subjects”, Tomio Kubota, Makoto Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Kayo Shibui, Keiko Kim, Xin Tan, Hirokuni Tagaya, Masako Okawa, Shojiro Inoue.  NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 42 (2002) 115-122.

“Effects of short duration morning bright light in healthy elderly. II: Sleep and motor activity”, Masako Kohsaka, Noriko Fukuda, Riko Kobayashi, Hiroshi Honma, Satoshi Sakakibara, Emi Koyama, Oshio Nakano, & Hozumi Matsubara.  PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES, Light and Sleep, pp 252-253.

“Effects of evening light on body temperature”, Tomio Kubota, Makoto Uchiyama, G.O. Hirokawa, Sigeru Ozaki, Mituko Hayasi, Masako Okawa.  JAPANESE SOCIETY OF SLEEP RESEARCH, Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, Light and Sleep, 1999, 248-249.



“Circadian Pattern of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Double Product in Liver Glycogen Storage Disease”, RJ Yetman, M Andrew-Casal, RC Hermida, BW Dominguez, RJ Portman, H Northrup, MH Smolensky. CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 19(4), 765-783 (2002).



“Diurnal preference, sleep habits, circadian sleep propensity and melatonin rhythm in healthy human subjects”, Xianchen Liu, Makoto Uchiyama, Kayo Shibui, Keiko Kim, Yoshihisa Kudo, Hirokuni Tagaya, Hiroyuki Suzuki, MasakoOkawa.  NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 280 (2000) 199-202.



“Sleep and migraine: an actigraphic study”, B Oliviero, RP Maria, V Cristiano, G Vincenzo.  CEPHALALGIA 2003;23.

NAPS: (Also See Sleep, Circadian Rhythms)

“Actigraphy suggests age-related differences in napping and nocturnal sleep”, In-Young Yoon, Daniel F. Kripke, Shawn D. Youngstedt, Jeffrey A. Elliott.  J. SLEEP RES. (2003) 12, 87-93.

“The role of prescribed napping in sleep medicine” Clinical Review, Takahashi Masaya, SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS, Vol.7, No.3, 2003. pp 227-235.

“Restorative Effects of a Short Afternoon Nap (<30 Min) in the Elderly on Subjective Mood, Performance and EEG Activity”, Munehisa Tamaki, Ai Shirota, Mitsuo Hayashi and Tadao Hori.  SLEEP RESEARCH ONLINE, 3(3): 131-139, 2000.



“Does Wrist Actigraphy approximate traditional polysomnographic detection of sleep and wakefulness in narcolepsy-cataplexy?”, J Newman, C Stampi, DW Dunham, R Broughton.  ABSTR. No. 343.

“Using Actigraphy to study motor activity in narcoleptic patients”, F Canellas, J Nouguier, M Tafti, M Billard. Translated from REVISTA DE NEUROFISIOLOGIA CLINICA, VOL. III/1-2, 1990.



“Circadian Rhythms and Sleep in Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses”, Erika Kirveskari.  Acad.Dissert. Thesis, Univ. Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. Pediatric Neurology, October 2000.

“Actigraphy – A Method for the Evaluation of Reduced Wake Activity of Patients with Brain Damage” (In German), J. Czymmek, U. Muller, A.I.T. Thone, D.Y. von Cramon.  Abstract, Congress 2000, Session2, P93, Leipzig, D.



“Sensitivity and Reproducibility of the Dual-Mode Actigraph Under Controlled Levels of Activity Intensity”, NK Leidy, RD Abbott, KM Fedenko.  NURSING RESEARCH, Jan/Feb 1997, Vol.46, No. 1, 5-11.

“The Effect of Regularly Scheduled Naps on Sleep Attacks and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Associated with Narcolepsy”, AE Rogers, MS Aldrich.  NURSING RESEARCH Mar/Apr 1993, Vol. 42, No. 2, 111-117.



“Sleep in Depressed and Nondepressed Participants with Chronic Low Back Pain: Electroencephalographic and Behaviour Findings”, K Harman, RT Pivik JL D’Eon, KG Wilson, JR Swenson, L Matsunaga.  SLEEP, Vol. 25, No.7, 2002.

“Twenty-Four-Hour Wrist Actigraphy (WA) for evaluation of nocturnal sleep of pain patients (PTS). D Hermann, W Chan, M Smolensky, Univ. Texas-Houston Sch. Public Health & Hermann Chronobiology Center, Houston, TX.



“Actigraph Analysis of Diurnal Motor Fluctuations during Dopamine Agonist Therapy”, Soichi Katayama.  EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY 2001;46 (suppl 1):11-17.

“Quantitative Evaluation of Parkinsonian Akinesia Using Actigraphy”, Soichi Katayama, Noritsugu Yokota, Masaaki Fujikane, Koichi Hirata.  NEUROLOGY 50, April 1998, A132, P03.004.



“Sleep/Wake Patterns Derived from Activity Monitoring and Maternal Report for Healthy 1- to 5-Year-Old Children”, C Acebo, A Sadeh, R Seifer, O Tzischinsky, A Hafer, MA Carskadon.  SLEEP 2005;28(12): 1568-1577.

“The Effects of Sleep Restriction and Extension on School-Age Children: What a Difference an Hour Makes”, Avi Sadeh, Reut Gruber, Amiram Raviv. CHILD DEVELOPMENT, Mar/Apr.2003, Vol.74, No.2, pp 444-455.

“Is Obesity Associated With Poor Sleep Quality in Adolescents?”, Neeraj K. Gupta, William H. Mueller, Wenyaw Chan, Janet C. Meininger.  AMER. JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 14:762-768 (2002).

“Sleep-wake patterns in preterm infants and 6 month’s home environment: implications for early cognitive development”, Smadar Gertner, Charles W. Greenbaum, Avi Sadeh, Zipora Dolfin, Leah Sirota, Yocheved Ben-Nun.  EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 68 (2002) 93-102.

“The Laboratory Assessment of Childhood Sleep-Wake Disorders”, Suresh Kotagal, Daniel L. Herold.  AM. J. END TECHNOL. 42:73-95, 2002.

“Sleep, Neurobehavioral Functioning, and Behavior Problems in School-Age Children”, Avi Sadeh, Reut Gruber, Amiram Raviv.  CHILD DEVELOPMENT, March/April 2002, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp 405-417.

“Actigraph Placement and Sleep Estimation in Children”, E Juulia Paavonen, Mika Fjallberg, Maija-Riikka Steenari, Eeva T. Aronen.  SLEEP, Vol. 25, No.2, 2002.

“Sleep and Psychiatric Symptoms in School-Age Children”, Eeva T. Aronen, Juulia Paavonen, Mika Fjallberg, Mika Soininen, Johanna Torronen.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 39:4, April 2000.

“Sleep Disturbances in Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection”, Linda Sturla Franck, Lora Margherita Johnson, Kathryn Lee, Christine Hepner, Lael Lambert, Mary Passeri, Estrella Manio, Alejandro Berenbaum, Diane Wara.  PEDIATRICS Vol.104, No.5, November 1999, p. e62.

“Estimating Sleep Patterns with Activity Monitoring in Children and Adolescents: How Many Nights Are Necessary for Reliable Measures?” C. Acebo, A. Sadeh, R. Seifer, O. Tzischinsky, A.R. Wolfson, A. Hafer, M.A. Carskadon.  SLEEP, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1999.

“Reliability of Actigraph Measures in Children and Adolescents”, C Acebo, MA Carskadon. (Abstract) SLEEP RESEARCH 26, 1997. 150.

“Sleep of school-age children: objective and subjective measures”, Reut Gruber, Avi Sadeh, Amiram Raviv.  (Abstract) SLEEP RESEARCH 26, 1997. 158.

“Sleep and Melatonin in Infants: A Preliminary Study”, Avi Sadeh.  SLEEP, 20(3), 1997, 185-191.

“Evaluating Night Wakings in Sleep-Disturbed Infants: A Methodological Study of Parental Reports and Actigraphy”, Avi Sadeh.  SLEEP, 19(10), 1996, 757-762.

“Activity-Based Assessment of Sleep-Wake Patterns During the 1st Year of Life”, Avi Sadeh, Christine Acebo, R. Seifer, Semra Aytur, Mary A. Carskadon. INFANT BEHAVIOR AND DEVELOPMENT 18, 329-337 (1995).

“Sleep and Psychological Characteristics of Children on a Psychiatric Inpatient Unit”, A Sadeh, JPD McGuire, H Sachs, R Seifer, A Tremblay, R Civita, RM Hayden.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 34:6, June 1995, 813-819.

“Assessment of Intervention for Infant Night Waking: Parental Reports and Activity-Based Home Monitoring”, Avi Sadeh. J. CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 1994, Vol.62, No.1, 63-68.

“Actigraphic Home Monitoring of the Sleep Patterns of In Vitro Fertilization Children and Their Matched Controls”, Ruth Gershoni-Baruch, Rachel Epstein, Orna Tzischinsky, Peretz Lavie, Joseph M. Brandes.  DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY, 1994, 36, 639-645.

“Children’s sleep under the threat of attack by ballistic missiles”, by P. Lavie, Y.      Amit, R. Epstein and O. Tzischinsky. J. SLEEP RES. (1993) 2, 34-37.

“Heightened Motor Activity Level in Male Offspring of Substance Abusing Fathers”, HB Moss, TC Blackson, CS Martin, RE Tarter. BIOL.PSYCHIATRY 1992,32:1135-1147.

“Rest-Activity Patterns in Children: The Comparison of Retrospective and Prospective Parental Observations Compared to Objective Clinical Monitoring”, K Andersen, DM Keenan, SH Carson.  ABSTR. No. 382.

“Sleep Quality in children with asthma treated with theophylline or cromolyn sodium”, A Avital, DG Steljes, H Pasterkamp, M Kryger, I Sanchez & V Chernick.  J. PEDIATR. 1991;119:979-84.

“Unit Study to Help Children With Sickle Cell Crisis Pain”, DF Dinges, MEDICAL STAFF NEWS, Inst. Pennsylvania Hospital, Vol. 2 – No. 2, February 1990.

“Prominent Activity Rhythm Disturbances in Hospitalized Children with Affective Illness”, MH Teicher, C Glod, D Harper, E Magnus, C Brasher, K Pahlavan, F Wren.

“Is Activity Data Sufficient For Sleep Staging in Infancy?”, Avi Sadeh, Mary A. Carskadon, Vijaia Appareddi, Thomas F. Anders.  Poster with graphs. (1990).

“Sleep/Wake Patterns In Abused Children”, CA Glod, MH Teicher, T Harakal, C Harman. 


“Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep in Older Patients with Schizophrenia”, S Ancoli-Israel, J Martin, DW Jones, M Caligiuri, T Patterson, MJ Harris, DV Jeste.  BIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1999;45:1426-1432.

“High Resolution Actigraphy: A Simple New Method to Detect Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep (PLMS). R. Haberger, P Geisler, F Tracik, HE Klein.  J. SLEEP RES. (1998) 7, Suppl. 2. ABSTR. No. 222.

“Leg actigraphy reliably detects Periodic Limb Movements during sleep”, J Fleming, C Clark, C Wood & C Ramirez.  Univ. Hospital, Vancouver, BC Canada. 1992.



“Randomized clinical trial comparing an oral carbohydrate beverage with placebo before laparoscopic cholecystectomy”, T Bisgaard, VB Kristiansen, NC Hjortso, LS Jacobsen, J Rosenberg, H Kehlet.  BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 2004;91:151-158.

“Recovery after uncomplicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy”, Thue Bisgaard, Birthe Klarskov, Henrik Kehlet, Jacob Rosenberg.  SURGERY, 2002;132:817-25.

“Computerized Monitoring of Physical Activity and Sleep in Postoperative Abdominal Surgery Patients”,  Thue Bisgaard, Mimi Kjaersgaard, Anne Bernhard, Henrik Kehlet, and Jacob Rosenberg, Hvidovre, Denmark.   J CLIN MONIT 1999;15:1-8.

“Sleep patterns in women after coronary artery bypass surgery”, NS Redeker, DJ Mason, E Wykpisz, B. Glica, Rutgers Univ., Newark, NJ.  ABSTRACT, APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH 1996;9(3):115-22.

“Women’s patterns of activity over 6 months after coronary artery bypass surgery”, NS Redeker, DJ Mason, E Wykpisz, B Glica.  HEART & LUNG, Nov./Dec. 1995;24:502-511.

“First Postoperative Week Activity Patterns and Recovery in Women after Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery”, NS Redeker, DJ Mason, E Wykpisz, B Glica, C Miner, NURSING RESEARCH, May/June 1994, Vol. 43, No. 3.



“Increased Nocturnal Activity and Impaired Sleep Maintenance in Abused Children”, CA Glod, MH Teicher, CR Hartman, T Harakal. J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 36:9, Sept. 1997.

“Actigraphic Sleep Monitoring in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Patients, Y Dagan, Y Zinger, P Lavie.  J PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH, Vol.42, No. 6, 577-581. 1997.



“Actigraphic estimates of circadian rhythms and sleep/wake in older schizophrenia patients”, J Martin, DV Jeste, MP Caliguiri, T Patterson, R Heaton, S Ancoli-Israel.  SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH 47 (2001) 77-86.

“Locomotor activity monitoring in patients with neuroleptic induced akathisia”, M Poyurovsky, R Jave, R Epstien, O Tzischinsky, P Lavie.  8th Int’l. Rappaport Symposium, Israel Sleep Research Society 9-13 March, 1997.

“Circadian Rest-Activity Disturbances in Children With Seasonal Affective Disorder”, C Glod, M Teicher, A Polcari, C McGreenery, Y Ito.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 36:2, February 1997:188-195.

“Case Study: Sleep and Aggressive Behavior in a Blind, Retarded Adolescent.  A Concomitant Schedule Disorder?”, Avi Sadeh, Margaret Klitzke, Thomas F. Anders, Christine Acebo.  J. AM. ACAD. CHILD ADOLESC. PSYCHIATRY, 34:6, June 1995, 820-824.

“Actigraphy and Motion Analysis: New Tools for Psychiatry”, MH Teicher.  HARVARD REV. PSYCHIATRY 1995;3:18-35.

“Altered Locomotor Activity in Neuropsychiatric Patients”, MH Teicher, JM Lawrence, NI Barber, SP Finklestein, H Lieberman, RJ Baldessarini.  PROG. NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOL. & BIOL. PSYCHIAT. 1986, Vol. 10, 755-761.



“Actigraphy in human psychopharmacology: A Review”, Neil Stanley, HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY CLIN.EXP. 2003; 18: 39-49.

“Actigraphy in Psychopharmacology”, Neil Stanley, Univ. Surrey, UK.  HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, Vol. 6. 1997.

“The measurement of daytime sedation using actigraphs”, J Stanley & I Hindmarch, Univ. of Surrey, UK.

“Quantitative Assessment of Psychomotor Activity in Patients with Neuroleptic-Induced Akathisia”, G Gardos, MH Teicher, JF Lipinski, Jr., JD Matthews, L. Morrison, C Conley, JO Cole.  PROG. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL. & BIOL. PSYCHIAT. 1992, Vol. 16, pp. 27-37.



“Objective Daily Physical Activity Monitoring in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”, PL Fort, JH Westerman, Wilford Hall Med. Ctr., San Antonio, TX.   ACCP 95. Poster No. 291.

"Wrist actigraphy validation of exercise movement in COPD", Bauldoff GS, The Ohio State University College of Nursing, USA., Ryan-Wenger NA, Diaz PT. West J Nurs Res. 2007 Nov;29(7):789-802. Epub 2007 Jul 17.



“Application of Actigraphs for Detection of Rest-Activity Patterns in Competitive Solo Sailors”, Claudio Stampi, Roger Broughton.  ABSTRACT 379.



“Circadian Rest-Activity Disturbances in Seasonal Affective Disorder”, Martin H. Teicher, Carol A. Glod, Eleanor Magnus, David Harper, Gregory Benson, Kathryn Krueger, Cynthia E. McGreenery.  ARCH GEN PSYCHIATRY/Vol.54, Feb. 1997, pp.124-130.


“Daily Negative Mood and Burnout Development in Israeli Residents”, O. Tzischinsky, R. Epstein, P. Lavie, D. Zohar.  Abstract, XVth International Symposium on Night and Shiftwork, Sept. 10-13, 2001.

“Two-Year Follow-Up of Sleep-Wake Cycles of Israeli Residents Working Extended Shifts”, R. Epstein, O. Tzichinsky, P. Herer, D. Zohar, P. Lavie.  Abstract, XVth International Symposium on Night and Shiftwork, Sept. 10-13, 2001.

“Actigraphic Study of Adapting and Non-Adapting Shift Workers”, R Epstein, O Tzischinsky, M Chillaq, G Barak, J Zomer, P Lavie.

“Intermittent bright light and exercise to entrain human circadian rhythms to night work”, Erin K. Baehr, Louis F. Fogg, and Charmane I. Eastman.  AM. J. PHYSIOL. 277 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 46): R1598-R1604, 1999.

“Rotating Shiftwork Schedules: Can We Enhance Physician Adaptation to Night Shifts?”, R Smith-Coggins, MR Rosekind, KR Buccino, DF Dinges, RP Moser.  ACAD.EMERG.MED. 1997;4:951-961.


SLEEP: (SLEEP APNEA) (Also See Actigraphy)

“The Use of Miniature, Wireless Data Recorders to Study Ankle and Ambient Temperatures as a Means of Enhancing Actigraphic Sleep Onset Assessment in Humans” Technical Note, TJ Kazlausky, DE Sewitch, W Gruen, M Godwin.  SLEEP, Vol.26, Abstract Supplement, May 15, 2003, 0978.R.

“Actigraphy assessment of sleep disturbance in patients with atopic dermatitis: An objective life quality measure”.  Bender BG, Leung SB, Leung DY.  ABST. J ALLERGY CLIN. IMMUNOL. 2003;111(3):598-602.

“Sleep fragmentation and awakening during development – Insights from actigraphic studies”, Avi Sadeh.  ADVANCES IN CONSCIOUSNESS RESEARCH, Vol. 38, 2002.

“Actigraphically Recorded Recovery Sleep Following Modafinil Versus Caffeine”, N. Wesensten, G. Belenky, T. Balkin. (Abstract) 16th CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, Reykjavik, June 3-7, 2002.

“The role of actigraphy in sleep medicine”, Avi Sadeh, Christine Acebo.  SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS, Vol.6, No.2, pp 113-124. 2002.

“Sleep, performance, circadian rhythms, and light-dark cycles during two space shuttle flights”, Derk-Jan Dijk, David F. Neri, James K. Wyatt, Joseph M. Ronda, Eymard Riel, Angela Ritz-De Cecco, Rod J. Hughes, Ann R. Elliott, G. Kim Prisk, John B. West, Charles A. Czeisler.  AM. J. PHYSIOL. REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE COMP. PHYSIOL. 281: R1647-R1664, 2001.

“The Exercise-Sleep Mystery”, Shawn D. Youngstedt.  INT. J. SPORT PSYCHOL., 2000; 30:241-255.

“Sleep and Quality of Well-Being”, by Girardin Jean-Louis, Daniel F. Kripke, and Sonia Ancoli-Israel. SLEEP, Vol.23, No.8, 2000.

 “Effects of Sleep Loss on Waking Actigraphy”, by Timothy Roehrs, Lauren Turner and Thomas Roth.  SLEEP, Vol.23, No.6, 2000.pp.793-797.

“Experience Hors du Temps – 2000 (Activity and Sleep Data: Bernard Laplaud)”, Report on French study by Michel Siffre and Bernard Laplaud in Clamouse Cave, France.

“Comparison between subjective and actigraphic measurement of sleep and sleep rhythms”, by Steven W. Lockley, Debra J. Skene, and Josephine Arendt. J. SLEEP RES. (1999), 8.

“Sleep-Wake Patterns Among Postmenopausal Women: A 24-Hour Unattended Polysomnographic Study”, by Girardin Jean-Louis, Daniel F. Kripke, Joseph D. Assmus, and Robert D. Langer.  J. GERONTOLOGY, MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2000, Vol. 55A, No.3, M120-M123.

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“Bright-Light Mask Treatment of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome”, Roger J. Cole, Julian S. Smith, Yvonne C. Alcala, Jeffrey A. Elliott, Daniel F. Kripke.  J. OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS, Vol. 17 No. 1, February 2002, 89-101.

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“Leukocytosis and Natural Killer Cell Function Parallel Neurobehavioral Fatigue Induced by 64 Hours of Sleep Deprivation”, D.F. Dinges, S.D. Douglas, L. Zaugg, D.E. Campbell, J.M. McMann, W.G. Whitehouse, E.C. Orne, S.C. Kapoor, E. Icaza, and M.T. Orne.  J. CLIN. INVEST. 1994,93:1930-1939.

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