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Tablet, Phone and Watch

Buzz Bee®

  • A pharmaceutical-free alternative for the management of the hyperactive child.

  • The look and feel of a common pager.

  • Dimensions: 2.75 X .625 X 1.69 inches and weighs 2.5 ounces.

  • Actigraphy: Area under a filtered (2-3 Hz) acceleration signal with .02g sensitivity at mid-band, sampled at 10 Hz.

  • Feedback: Immediate Vibratory and/or Auditory with independently settable activity thresholds. Three LEDs (red, amber and green) provide immediate session results for use with operant conditioning.

  • Power: 1 Lithium 1⁄2 AA battery.

  • Memory: 2 Mb of non-volatile RAM provides up to 30 days of data storage of activity and instances of feedback.

  • Control: Settings are programmed via interface and serial link to a PC. The feedback and session scoring may be turned on and off using a button mounted on the side, allowing temporary suspension of operant conditioning.

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Initial Findings:

Nine ADHD subjects (8 boys and 1 girl) were tested with this design using operant conditioning at the Child Development Center at UC, Irvine. During subject sessions of up to 30 minutes, vibratory feedback was provided starting with a 0.5 second pulse when activity levels exceeded the baseline average value for a 5 second epoch. Vibratory feedback was proportional to the amount of activity exceeding this first threshold up to a full 5-second pulse of vibration at an activity level exceeding the baseline level plus two standard deviations. A full reward (prize from a grab-bag) was given when the green LED was illuminated at the end of the session indicating that the session mean fell 20% or more below the baseline mean. No reward was distributed if the red LED was illuminated indicating that the mean activity level had exceeded the baseline mean plus one standard deviation. A lesser reward was distributed if an amber LED was illuminated, indicating that the mean activity level for the session fell between the ‘green’ and ‘red’ conditions. Subjects in most instances were able to reduce their activity level below the set goal of 20%, with some achieving reductions of more than 50%.

AMI has recently completed Phase II clinical testing of the Motionlogger BuzzBee; and the results of this study shall follow shortly.

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For general information, and sales please contact:


731 Saw Mill River Road
Ardsley, NY 10502-0609


800 341-0066




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