Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc. has been an industry leader for more than 35 years providing quality equipment to monitor physiological functioning in ambulatory subjects.

Tom Kazlausky

Linda Tavolacci
Vice President

William Gruen
AMI’s Motionloggers® were the first commercially available actigraph devices available for long-term, continuous monitoring of the sleep/wake patterns of subjects in their natural environment.The term “Actigraph” was originally coined here during our early work with the US Army (prior references to activity monitors were termed “Actimeters” or “Actometers.”Founded on basic research where accelerometry meets physiology, Motionloggers continue to have the highest documented agreement with sleep laboratory polysomnography in multiple populations.Our Inductotrace® System continues to be the gold standard for monitoring of respiration; and the PVT-192 Psychomotor Vigilance Task Monitor is the gold standard in reaction time measurement.
AMI equipment is used by thousands of customers worldwide including medical centers, pharmaceutical companies, NASA, and the U.S. Department of Defense, just to name a few. AMI products have seen use in medical clinics, in orbit around the earth, under the ocean, on Mount Everest, in the swamps of Georgia, and in the sands of Desert Storm. In short, AMI is dedicated to providing reliable, proven equipment and excellent service to its customers.
Founded by the late William Gruen, AMI is currently run under the management of its President Thomas Kazlausky, M.Ch.E., who brings with him to this position over two decades of experience as prior AMI Vice President and Product Manager. Tom is assisted by Vice President Linda Tavolacci, B.S.W., who has worked with AMI in administrative positions for almost 30 years; and the team looks forward to continuing to serve the medical community and participating in the growth of actigraphy as a clinically useful tool.
AMI will strive to continue its long-standing reputation as an industry leader by continuing to provide quality equipment for physiological and environmental monitoring and impeccable service to its customers.